What are the delivery costs for standard orders?

  • The transport costs varies according to:

    • the country of delivery

    • the volume and weight of your order

      • small quantity are delivered by parcel, the least expensive

      • large quantity over 120kg are delivered by pallet

    • the delivery option you opted for (24h express delivery, economic…).

    • the selected carrier

  • To calculate an estimated delivery cost for your order:

  1. You need to go to your Shopping Cart

  2. Proceed with your order by clicking on the button "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT".

  3. You will be redirected to the Check Out page:

  4. Fill in the “Check-out Personal Info”: log into your account or order as a guest

  5. Fill in your “Addresses”: fill in all details needed, so our system can provide you with your personal shipping costs.

  6. Check the Shipping Method: here you will see all the prices and shipping services available according to your delivery address